Q: How to place an order?
A: If you have sales representative service for you, please send your purchase list to him/her, you can also send your inquiry to service@hcqs.com.cn, we will help you out.
All customers are welcome to visit our online shopping mall www.hcqs.com.cn to register an account and make order, it takes about 2-3 minutes and it’s free. Here you find all our latest products and prices.
Q: Should I pay for tax duty?
Our prices are excluding taxes.
Q: How to do if I can’t find the products from website?
A: Please contact us and send us the products info which you are looking for. We will work it out.
Q: What is the shipping method?
A: We offer shipping from China or Sweden. We use DHL express from China, FedEx, UPS,
and Air cargo are available to choose from. We use DHL or UPS from Sweden.
Q: How long for delivery time?
A: Delivery time is round 3 days. You are welcome to confirm the specific delivery time based on your order.
Q: What if the packages lost?
A: The lost of packages will be handled according to the logistic company’s terms if there is no extra insurance for that.
Q: What is the payment term?
A: Payment before delivery is required.
Q: Can I pay via PayPal or credit card?
A: Sorry, so far, we cannot take PayPal or credit card.
Q: How to make payment?
A: We have bank accounts in China, Hong Kong, Sweden you can choose from. And western union is available.
Q: How to get warranty?
A: All products before shipping will be completely tested. Unfortunately, if you received bad quality products,
please contact your account manager to return them. We have warranty policy to cover it accordingly.
Q: How to return RMAs?
A: Please follow up the return process, and contact your account manager
Q: How to make a brand design?
A: Let us know your registered brand and brand positioning, our designers will send you solutions.